Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Baby's First Fart !!!!
Mommy said it was a fitting tribute to the year 2008...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Guinea Pig Takes Over !!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Socks, Jemima,Mr. Kelly, Timothy and Me

My friend Jemima passed away. She was a quiet senior kitty who was much loved by her people and fur siblings. Her sisiter Tiger Lily isn't posting because they are moving, but I'm sure the family would appreciate our condolences...
My friend Timothy, Castle's brother, just turned fourteen. Iwant to wish him a happy B-Day and say thanks to his Meowmies for adopting an older cat. We senior kitties need love too....
Finally, I want to send get well wishes and gotcha day tidings to my friend Mr. Kelly. Feel better, my pal.
That's all for now.
Purrs, Muffy
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What If You Do Something Wrong and Nobody Yells?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
R.I.P. Winton

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Migraine Woes
I stay next to her and telepathically calm her." Whatever is bothering you is unimportant compared to the furry love being shown by the creature next to you. The Halloween party at your job, that you really wants to go to, isn't for hours yet. You'll make it. Give the medicine time to work. You just need to breathe deeply. Smell the sweet aroma of my fur. Your eyes are getting heavy. What you're stressing about doesn't matter. Love me,pet me. I'm what's important. I'm here for you. Take a nap. That's better."
"Oh, and when you wake up, feeling much better, you'll get off your ass and feed me!!!!"
Friday, October 24, 2008
I Got My Litter Back!
I knew Mommy wasn't happy with how long the clumping stuff was lasting, so I bided my time. When I saw that the container was getting empty I took a crap on the living room floor! It took awhile but it was an impressive pile. My bunghole hurts just thinking about it. Mommy took one look and shrieked louder than the guinea pig.
My beloved gravel was back the next day.....
Monday, October 13, 2008
I'm Very Upset
She took away my blue, white and gray gravel and replaced it with SAND. I know I track litter all over the place. I know I'm a diabetic cat with a very large bladder. I know the clumping litter is more economical. But if I wanted to pee in sand I'd go outside and irrigate Florida!!!
This situation simply must not continue. If he humans can demand soft and fluffy toilet paper than I can demand my old potty gravel back.
If my litter isn't returned to me then I'll have to do somthing drastic on the carpets.....
Monday, October 06, 2008
We're Back!!
Yesterday Mommy went to an Indian festival. Some people from India live in our apartment complex. I was worried that she would come back wearing a sari with a red dot on her forehead and a henna tatoo on her hand. Granny told me that Iwas being silly. She was right. Mommy looked like Mommy when she came home. She worked at the festival, handing out information on what materials on India could be found at the library. Her work was well-received so she was happy. She brought home a book, some shiny pamphlets that are fun to lay on, a mandala keychain and some chutney. She smelled like chicken and spices, but she didn't bring me home any of that. Oh well.
Today Mommy is at work. I'm in the window, watching my birds. When she comes home I want to check out that chutney stuff.
Monday, September 22, 2008
We're Glad Ike is Over
A couple of people asked about sterno. Sterno is our friend. It's like candle wax and comes in different sized cans.Some of the cans are small like FancyFeast and others look like two large cans of tuna placed one on top of the other. Sterno can be found in hardware, camping, sporting goods and restaurant supply stores. Some grocery stores carry it in the aisle with the matches and charcoal. The bigger the sterno Sterno is can, the longer it burns. Sterno is what restaurants put under chafing dishes at buffets to keep the hot food hot. It works.
Hurricanes in general are a nusance. To all who suffered, we feel your pain. All we can do is pray that the rest of the season is a quiet one.
Till next time, Muffy
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hurricane Hints
We interrupt this blog to offer advice to those of our friends undergoing a hurricane or other significant weather event:
- To heat water and food build a sterno stove. Take a can of sterno, which is what people use to heat chafing dishes at buffets. Take two equal- sized coffee mugs and turn them upside down one on either side of the sterno. Then take the grill from a toaster oven or hibatchi and place it on top of the mugs. It should make a bridge over the sterno. Then follow the lighting directions on the can of sterno.
- My humans heat water for coffee, tea and soup and cook Chef Boyardi crap over the sterno. Other things that can be heated over it include baby formula, Dinty Moore beef stew,corned beef hash, and Pop Tarts
- Be sure to buy bottled water or fill jugs with tap water prior to the storm. That's in case the water gets contaminated and you can't drink it.
- Tuna fish is good warm and right out of the can. Be sure to share with the feline family members.
- Stock up on flashlights and batteries beforehand. You won't find any in the stores once the storm hits.
- Some people use bags of kitty litter to stop minor water seepage. This is bad news for us kitties. Stock up on litter or we may create our own indoor flooding.
- If you do have to evacuate, don't forget to take the kitties.
- Pry and purr. The people get a little frantic during thse storms.
Purrs, Muffin
Friday, September 05, 2008
Gotcha Day Update

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My First Photo & Gotcha Day

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tropical Storm Fay and Onyx the Miracle Mare
Incredibly, there was a horsie, Onyx, in the barn that was destroyed and she escaped without a scratch. The humans found her amidst the rubble, standing in her intact stall, patiently waiting for someone to come get her. God was truly looking out for her. There were two horsies in another barn. They got loose but they didn't like being out in that mess and were easily rounded up.
The people in Port St. Lucie got it really bad. They have extensive flooding and many homes are damaged. Please keep them in your purrayers.
I'm glad the storm is over The wind and the rain were scary but I was a good guard cat and protected my humans. Thank you all for your purrayers and concern.
Purrs Muffy
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
-for Terrorizing A Vet- the gold medal goes to Hendix/Bendrix. He hisses,
he claws , he scatches, kicks and bites. The veterinary staff takes one look and
hides. Cats everywhere look to Mr.H. for guidance on How to Make the Vet
Suffer as Much as I Do.
- for Synhronized Peeing - the gold medal goes to BJ ,Sol And Smokey. Mommy ML took
them to the vet in three sepaate carriers. On the way
home they peed simultaneously, aiming out of the carriers. Such talent. Such precision.
- for Ruling Her Household With an Iron Paw- the gold medal goes to Grr. Whether chasing
her fellow felines or alternatively hugging and clawing her humans Grr rules the Chavez
household.We can all learn from her example.
Purrs Muffy
Sunday, August 03, 2008
I Was Attacked by a Garbage Can
and decided to jump down. Her wastebasket fell on top of me. There were wadded up balls of paper that fell all over, sticky candy wrappers that clung to my fur, orange peels and pencil shavings. I got all dusty and dirty and Mommy had to rinse me off. All because of that evil garbage can.
Call me a lawyer. I may sue.
Monday, July 28, 2008
MadCat Monday
so cats aren't allowed in the stores. And I don't like to go to strange places. But they still left me
alone. I want to be compensated. I want some extra treats.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Cold Box Meme
I got tagged for the Cold Box Meme by my good buddy, Castle. Our cold box is covered with magnets. Mommy collects them. We have other metal doors in the house and they have magnets on them too. This tends to annoy Granny. On the cold box are the following:
4 orange kitty magnets
1 black & white cat
1 shark
1 tropical fish
1 of Renoir's painting, Luncheon of the Boating Party
1 Gone With the Wind movie poster
1 Coca-cola polar bear
1 of a raccoon family
1 camel (Mommy's college's mascot)
magnets from Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach, New York City, Vermont and Foxwoods Casino.
1 magnet from Penticton, BC
1 magnet shaped like a bunch of grapes that Granny hates.
1 clip holding coupons
Inside the cold box are milk and my stinky goodness. Yum yum.
Purrs, Muffy
Friday, July 11, 2008
We Miss You, Maria
Maria was smart, funny and pretty. She was good at her job, was involved in a stable relationship, and was loved by many people. She also gave great scritches. We feel terrible about her death. To celebrate her life, lets hug those we hold dear.((HUG))
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Fifth of July
Today it's yucky out so she's cleaning and doing laundry. I head someting about a bath. I hope she isn't planning one for me!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Pawdicure Blues
Next time she can kill her own bugs.
Friday, June 20, 2008
My Job as Security Guard
night I make hourly patrols to make sure no lizards, mice, burglars or other cats have invaded our territory. Then I hunt down and kill all bugs. Finally, when the boomies and flashing lights are going on, I sit in the window and meow at the storm. I tell it to stay outside and not hurt my people. All this work is exhausting, though, so when daylight comes I curl up for a long nap. I take my job seriously and need to be fresh for the next night. A guard kitty's work is never done.....
Friday, June 13, 2008
R.I.P. Stormie
Our eyes are leaking.
We love you, Stormie.
Rest in peace, our furry friend.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Swap N Tails 2
Kellie the Orange Cat and her mom, Shelly.My presents came wrapped in a little red bag with .a green fabric ribbon. I like that ribbon. I got Temptations, mice, a nip pillow, a yellow ball and a fevver ball. I never had a fevver ball before. I love everything.
Mommy got some nice presents, too. She got box of matches with a kitty on it. When the matches are gone the box becomes a placque. She got some gum, a yellow photo album and a souvenir magnet. She loved her gifts, too.
Thank you Kellie and Shelly.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Help Thy Neighbor
Florida has its faults,but at least down here, if someone is sick or hurt, people will stop to help. If television stations or newspapers feature stories on people or animals in need, donors will step forward. It's a pleasant change.
On this, the 64th anniversary of D-Day, we should pause and think what would have happend all those years ago if no one had volunteered to help.....
Purr, Muffy
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Two Poems
A Reflection on My Cat
A shaft of sunlight
slashes through the
venetian blinds.
A pool of yellow light
rests upon the hardwood
My fat orange cat
waddles into the circle of
yellow. He curls in to a ball,
scrunches his eyes shut and purrs.
Common light becomes special
when enveloping
a loved one.
Here's my first effort:
I sneezed twelve times in a row.
The Man thought it was funny.
I wiped snot all over his shoe.
Who's laughing now?
Purrs, Muffy
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Serial Sneezer Strikes Again
I've been napping a lot. Mommy and Granny have been fussing over me. Today Mommy called from work to talk to me and Granny snuck me some treats. Mommy didn't even get mad when I sneezed a bunch, then wiped my nose on her blouse. I know I'll feel better in a day or two.
Unti lthen, take care.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday Not-Quite-Thirteen
1. Her writing project on the Pilgrims. After a lengthy hiatus she's back on the job. She' s found
new sources of information, which always makes her happy.
2. Her genealogy research. Right now she's concentrating on her great-great grandfather,
Lazar Loeb. He settled in Mississippi before the Civil War. She's finding new info and really
enjoying it, too.
3. She's crocheting me a new blanket. A kitty can never have enough blankies.
4. Vacuuming. Someone tracks litter all over the house.
5. Going through her books and getting rid of some. Ouch!
6. Cleaning the house. I try to be as much help as possible.
7. Cleaning the porch. We haven't been able to do this as the smoke from the wild fires has
made the air smell bad.
8. My six word meme from Hendrix:
Feed Me.
Pet me.
Love me.
Purrs, Muffy
Friday, May 09, 2008
Springtime in Florida
Happy Mother's Day to all the mommys out there.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Mad Mancat
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Purraying for Stormie
Let's work together to convince Him to work number two: a remission for Stormie. We love you, Storm.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Food Facts
The birds are busy building nests and then caring for their babies. Mommy's been putting out bread, matzoh and fruit for them. They are eating like crazy. We have to fill our feeders twice a day to keep up with them. I don't want my friends to go hungry.
That's all for now. We'll post again soon.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thursday Thoughts
Mommy is busy making matzoh balls. She and Granny are preparing for Passover, which starts this weekend. They weren't going to have a seder, but Mommy changed her mind and decided to go ahead with it. That means there will be lots of good things to eat....
Mommy was really amazed that a simple FYI comment could be misconstued by so many people....
Miz Allie Cat tagged us for the book meme. I took the nearest book, turned to page 123, read down five lines and now am quoting the next three:"Organize fairly and try, he urged, "And I will ensure your success. Indeed, they can by no means refuse you. You have as good a right to choose how you shall be governed." The patriot Dr. Thomas Young was speaking to an audience of Vermonters who wanted to form a colony of their own. In colonial America, Vermont was governed by New York and New Hampshire. The book the quote is from is The Old Revolutionaries by Pauline Maier.
I tag anyone who hasn't been tagged.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Swap N Tails
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I Went to the Vet-UGH!!!!!
1. I yowled all the way there. Hey, how would you like to jammed into a plastic prison box? Not to mention having to endure a trip in the metal monster. It felt like I was held prisoner for hours.
2. Then I refused to come out of my carrier. The vet and Mommy had to drag me out. I knew where I was. I knew they are going to stab me. Why make the process easy ?
3.They stabbed me and took some of my blood. I squirmed and meowed as much as I could. Before that they rubbed alcohol on my paw. I tried to lick it off. Blech!!
4.The vet wanted to see me walk because I've been limping slightly. I preferred to sit down and lick my private parts.
5. On the way home I peed all over the carrier. It's plastic. She'll wash it.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Purring for Purim
The baked foods served include hamentaschen, pasties stuffed with raisins and jelly and shaped like tri-cornered hats. Every year Mommy attempts to make them and every year they come out wrong. This time they were more like isoceles triangles. She used roll-out dough but just couldn't shape them right. At least this year she didn't set off the smoke detector. The little hats were tasty, though and I learned some new swear words while snoopervising her.
Oh, Mommy's keys are back home. Some honest person turned them into the bus driver. She just had to go down to headquarters and claim them.
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day Blues
Oh, Mommy stuck me in a shamrock scarf and took pictures.UGH!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tuesday Thoughts
Mommy tells me not to worry. She's been struggling with migraines, though. I think part of it's due to the shooting and part is because she misses her father and the Man. I don't miss the Man,
even though his pants were good to sharpen my claws on.
I try to be a good kitty. Hopefully Mommy will feel better soon. Until then we'll be cuddling a lot.
Take care.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Gunfire at Wendy's
A terrible thing happened here yesterday. A man dressed in a business suit and baseball cap entered a Wendy's restaurant, pulled out a gun and started shooting. By the time he was through one man was dead and four people were wounded. The murdered man, Ray Vazquez, was a Royal Palm Beach firefighter. In town for a training seminar, he seized the chance to have lunch with his wife and their four year old son. He was at the counter, exchanging a toy that came in hs son's kiddie meal, when he was shot at point blank rage.
The four people wounded were an elderly couple, a teenage girl and a visiting airline pilot. The girl's mother was injured in the subsequent stampede. The killer shot himself after fumbling for more ammunition. Medical helicopters rushed the injured to local medical centers. They're expected to survive.
We're sickened by this. It's soo, so sad.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Year Post
She is not a happy woman......
Tee-hee- hee....
Saturday, February 23, 2008
My Favorite Things Part #1
1. My family. Being homeless, then being dumped twice was awful. I'm so glad I found my
furrever family. I love my Mommy, my Grampy, my Granny and my fur sisiter Midnight. I miss my Grampy so. Mommy said he didn't want to go away and leave us; he died. I still don't understand.
2.My bed. It's a huge rectangular pillow. It's soft and cuddly and made of flannel. On top of it are my blankies. They were supposed to be panels in an afghan that mommy was crocheting, but I commandeed them.
3.My food bowl. It may look like a teal plastic bowl to you,but it's love and security to me.
4. My litter box. A mancat's toilet is a very important part of his castle.
5. My new plastic coffee can. It's full of my toys, my fevver wand, my comb, my flea comb and my brush. When I want attention I knock it over and Mommy goes through the items till she finds which one I want.
Purrs, Muffy
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Mommy is going out to dinner with the Man and she promised to bring me home a treat. That should make up for the fact that she made me wear a pink bandana with red hearts on it. Hey, I'm a boy cat. Wanna see my turkey thermometer? Even if I do look handsome in pink and red,
I hate being dressed up like a girl cat. The guinea pig had the right idea. Mommy stuck a pink bow in her fur and Midi ate it.
Purrs, Muffy
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Weekend Human Blogging
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Mommy Went to the Fair and I Took a Crap on the Bedroom Floor
I guess it was just that furniture's been moved and Mommy's been busy and I wanted to make sure everything was still the same. So I did a humungous crappola on the floor near her bed.She was mad and reprimanded me, but I'm still here, so I guess everything is okay. It must be. She picked me up and cuddled me. Then she made we wear this stupid necklace she bought. She hand fed me tuna. Yup, everything must be okay.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sad About Caesar
Friday, January 18, 2008
Get Rid of that Sucking Monster
Friday, January 11, 2008
I Got An Award !!
Mommy has bronchitis again and feels lousy. Granny made her chicken soup in the crockpot. Of course, I got a generous helping of chicken for dinner. Yum! I've been a good boy, cuddling with
Mommy and looking after herI hope she feels better soon.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Muffin's Rules #2
1. I stretch out on the papers. Then I stretch out my toes and flex my claws on the papers.I massage them, I crumple them, then I roll over and scent them.
2. The books are next. I wait till 2 am,when the house is quiet, then I take my huge paws and knock the books off the bed, one by one. They make such a nice thud when they land.
3. Now that the bed is cleared, I curl up next to Mommy and purr. She reaches over and pets
me and we snuggle.
4. In the morning,when she discovers the carnage, I make sure I'm nowhere to be found!