Monday, February 26, 2007


Hi! i just made two new birdie friends. Their names are Oliver and Olivia. They're cardinals. Oliver is bright red with a crest on his head. Olivia is a duller red with olive on her chest. She also has a crest. It took them a long time to get the courage to visit my feeder. I wanted to introduce myselfbut didn't want to scare them. Finally I waited until Boo was at the feeder and he introduced us. I told Oliver and Olivia that i was a nice kitty and would never hurt them.Now we visit all the time


Anonymous said...

that's furry nice of you ta make furrends wif the fev-vers. fev-ver watchin' is one of our fave-rit things.

Karen Jo said...

Cardinals are very pretty birds. I'm glad you made friends with them.

Mr. Hendrix said...

That is nice. Cardinals are very pretty birds and they are actually the state bird of Ohio! It is nice you made friends with them.

Sadie said...

Hi Muffin! Merlin likes birdies too. You can email me at SadieBlog at gmail dot com...