Monday, October 29, 2007

Go Red Sox

Hi! Thanks for all the blogoversary wishes. we feel so loved. Our system is still down, so this will be a short post. The Red Sox won the World Series last night. Mommy and Granny were jumping up and down and yelling. That was obviously a good thing. Then Mommy started to cry
because Grampy wasn't here to see that. I miss him too. I guess we'll always be a little sad at happy times because he isn't here. We love you Grampy!!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


It's my one year blogoversary. My Mommy and I have really enjoyed getting to know
everyone. Hopefully we'll be able to post more often in the future.
Hendrix sent me a middle name meme. Since I don't have a middle name I
will use the letters of my first name to describe a quality about myself:

M= Mancat. I take good care of my womenfolk.

U= Unchained melody and Unforgettable. Two songs that Mommy insists on singing to me. Ugh.
F = Fat, fluffy, friendly and fastidious.

F = Fish Face. The name Grampy gave me because I'll only eat stinky goodness salmon. My
brand of choice is Fancy Feast.
I= Indoors. I like to go outside with my mother, but after being homeless I'm glad for an
indoor home.
N = NOMSS. My sisiter Midnight. Midi is a long-haired black guinea pig.

That's all.

Friday, October 12, 2007

I Peed on the Kitchen Floor

This is ridiculous. These humans are going out and leaving me alone way too much. First it was religious services, then it was Granny's doctor's appointment, then it was grocery shopping. Plus Mommy's been at work, out with friends or seeing Him. What am I, something to avoid?
Today they went out clothes shopping. Talk about a stupid errand. This has to stop.
So I peed on the kitchen floor.
That'll show them.